The newsletter is written by Michael Wilcox in the United Kingdom. Each will normally consist of 2-3 pages of Questions and Answers.
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Colour and Technique: April 2016
I will be visiting the USA in the next few weeks to give a series of seminars, workshops and talks. The initial events will be held in Florida but if your group or club is interested in hosting one of these events, please contact Britta at...
Colour and Technique: October 2015
Q. I’ve been puzzled about your mentioning that glazing can’t be properly reproduced in print.The best answer I came to is that printing is done by mixing simultaneously on the surface of paper and therefore can’t reveal the depth in the painting -...
Colour and Technique: September 2015
This is the first School of Color Newsletter for many a month. Apologies to anyone who might have missed it but we have been very busy reorganising and also working on the new website: Q. I have read that a layer of oil should be...
Colour and Technique: June 2014
In the last newsletter I highlighted the fact that the European Union (the EU), is considering a ban on the use of cadmium based artist’s paints. The response to my request for your suggestions has been overwhelming. I have published a selection here as the...
Colour and Technique: May 2014
POSSIBLE EUROPEAN UNION BAN ON THE CADMIUMS The authorities concerned are considering a ban on the use of Cadmiums. As part of the process they are seeking the views of the public. So we have an opportunity to have a say on the issue. If the...
Colour and Technique: April 2014
Renaissance painters absorbed the developments taking place in Northern Europe and applied the science of the day to them. There was also a concentration on the development of suitable materials and techniques. The science of colour...
Colour and Technique: January 2014
Q. What proportion of Meglip should I mix in with oil paints? I have read that 50/50 is about right but I am not sure. A. It depends on how severely you want to ruin your work as it is a disastrous substance. The manufacturers...
Glazing Book Newsletter: November 2013
Glazing - With an emphasis on the craft of painting. It’s finally on the way. When I started to write this book I thought that it would take about a year, that was nearly ten years ago. It is now, at last, with the printers. This newsletter will...
Colour and Technique: October 2012
Over the past series we have looked at some of the basics of color harmony and contrast. In this next series I want to answer some of the concerns that you have put to me about color use and technique. Click here to read the full newsletter. (UK/European version)...
Colour and Technique: June 2012
During art lessons we are often taught the importance of drawing, of perspective, composition, and subject matter. But seldom the importance of color. Many people stand before this painting for a very long time. Yet it has to be said that there is little evidence of...
Colour and Technique: August/September 2011
Continuing our examination of the various contrasts which are available to the artist. Of direct interest to the painter is the fact that a colour can appear brighter or be changed in some other way by a neighbouring colour or group of colours. Click here to...
Colour and Technique: July 2011
Continuing our examination of the various contrasts which are available to the artist. Colours are frequently described as being of a certain temperature, whether hot, warm, cool or cold. Hues associated with fire and heat; reds,oranges and yellows, are often...
Colour and Technique: May 2011
I like to copy modern paintings of the 19th and early 20th century: e.g. Cezanne, Matisse, Picasso, Bonnard. I would like to achieve original colours and values where these have degraded over time, but I have no source for this information. Can you direct me to such a...
Colour and Technique: October/November 2010
William Turner was one of the earliest painters to fully understand the effect and power of the after-image. Before he gained this knowledge his paintings were usually rather drab, produced in the greys and browns common to his time. Click here to read the full...
Colour and Technique: August 2010
The artist has made very skilful use of the range of neutrals and coloured greys obtainable from the complementaries. The shadows and leggings of the girl have almost certainly been mixed from the same blue and orange that have been used to produce the rest of the...
Colour and Technique: May 2010
Several years ago, before I started to research the subject, I felt that I knew what the term 'colour harmony' meant. As I reached further into the subject I realised that I had only the vaguest of ideas. As individuals we may find that certain colour...
Colour and Technique: March 2010
Could it be that the colours which surround us are often related or repeated, varying mainly in saturation, whereas the artist tends to over complicate matters and perhaps introduces too many unrelated colours? Click here to read the full newsletter.
Colour and Technique: January 2010
We are pleased to announce that Robert (Bob) Way, our Principal Teacher has organized the first of our Colour Mixing Workshops. These are outlined on page one. Bob is a very experienced teacher and an outstanding artist and colorist. Click here to download the full...